Endowments Overview

Our endowments provide a reliable source of funding, year after year, ensuring consistent programming District-wide.

Boy playing an acoustic guitar

Growth of the endowments through charitable giving and investment gains enables the Ed Foundation to provide students with an outstanding curriculum. When you contribute to one of our endowments, you create a permanent legacy of support for our students. Thanks to generous donors, the Ed Foundation has four endowments:

The For Academics Endowment was established in 1998. Its value as of June 30, 2024 was $2,678,758. For ten years, income from this endowment supported our school libraries. Endowment income is now contributed to the Ed Foundation’s annual campaign, supporting elementary instructional assistants and enrichment grants at each school.

The For The Arts Endowment, created in 2003, was valued at $3,639,906 as of June 30, 2024. Income from this endowment funds arts programs in our schools, including a dance specialist for 6th graders, arts programs at Olympic High School, middle and high school theater funding, assistant music teachers in Title I elementary and Title I feeder middle schools, and grants to all secondary Visual Arts teachers.

The Peggy Bergmann Arts Endowment Fund, in memory of Lenore Bergmann and John Elmer Bergmann, was created in February 2013 and was valued at $3,491,241 as of June 30, 2024. Income from this endowment funds the purchase, repair, and maintenance of instruments, as well as semi-private music lessons for socio-economically disadvantaged students.

The Ed Foundation continues to build its For Athletics Endowment to support athletic programs.

To learn more or contribute to one of our endowments, please call 310-396-4557 or email info@smedfoundation.org.

Female student paints a watercolor painting
Children drawing