
College Essay Writing Class (Online)

Student working on a laptop

2025 Session Information will be released in January

For Rising 12th Grade Students Only

Class Description

Get a head start on your college essay – don’t stress about your college applications once school starts in the fall! In this workshop, you will learn some important tools about personal writing for an academic audience. We will examine various prompts and then delve into the writing process in order to have a solid working draft by week’s end. This is unlike most writing that you’ve done throughout high school and requires that you depict a clear personal voice. You want this essay to reflect your truest self! Come work in a small group setting with a fun and supportive teacher to discover how to do so!

About the Teacher

Kyle Koehler has been teaching high school English in California for the past 11 years and taught abroad for two years. Teaching personal writing, and specifically the college essay, is one of the things he does best. His greatest passion is supporting his students and helping students embark on this academic exploration of self.

Fees, Payment and Refund Policy

More information regarding pricing and policies for 2025 will be announced in the new year.

Financial Assistance

More information regarding 2025 financial assistance will be coming in the new year.


Students will need a laptop (either personal or a Chromebook already provided by SMMUSD).

Class Size

The minimum number of students in each class is 6 students; the maximum number is 10. Once a class is full, a waiting list will be kept and you will be notified if we open another class section. If the Ed Foundation does not reach the minimum number of six students for a session, we will have to cancel that session; we can then move a student to another week if there is room, or if not, families will be refunded.

Questions? Contact Rachel Faulkner at 310-396-4557 or