Emily Arms

Emily Arms

Emily Arms has taught transfer-level English courses at Santa Monica College since 2008. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from UCLA, where she taught in the School of Education. Emily has also taught in the graduate education programs at USC and LMU. Prior to earning...
Danny Guggenheim

Danny Guggenheim

Danny Guggenheim is an attorney specializing in commercial real estate transactions, and teaches a course on real estate joint ventures at USC Law School.  He grew up in West LA, and studied International Affairs as an undergraduate at Columbia University before...
Kelly Naylor

Kelly Naylor

Kelly Naylor grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and received her degree in Biomedical Engineering from Duke University. She lives in Santa Monica with her husband who attended SMMUSD schools and their two daughters who are at Grant Elementary. Kelly is a Sales...
John Baracy

John Baracy

John R. Baracy is currently a Managing Director in the Los Angeles office of Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Raymond James is a national and California leader in underwriting K-12 school district debt to build facilities and other important projects. He began his...