
Academic Enrichment Grants (AEGs)

The Ed Foundation offers teachers an opportunity to enrich their classrooms with Academic Enrichment Grants! AEGs give certificated teachers in Santa Monica’s public schools the chance to introduce innovative programs and classes, initiate new concepts, take students on field trips, and so much more.

There are two different grants for which teachers may apply: Individual Grants and Super Grants.


The application deadline is Friday, October 18.
Three girls smile for a photo while working on an art project
Three girls smile for a photo while working on an art project

AEG Information and Application

Individual Grants. Teachers may apply for an AEG for up to $1,000. Each Santa Monica public school site is guaranteed one AEG as long as it meets the guidelines. Additional grants may be awarded based on school size and available funds.
Super Grants. We will award “super grants” up to $5,000 each. These super grants will only be awarded to collaborative teams (within one school, one grade level, one core, one department or one house) in Santa Monica’s public schools to encourage innovation and collaboration between teachers. One lead teacher should fill out the application.
AEGs let teachers “think outside the box” – extra weight will be given to inventive, innovative programs that complement the current curriculum in creative ways. For super grants, extra weight will also be given to applications that benefit a large number of students.
The application deadline is Friday, October 18. To apply click here.
Note: Teachers may participate in both a collaborative Super Grant application and an individual AEG application. However, you must submit a separate application for each. There will only be one application cycle this school year.
Questions? Contact Rachel Faulkner at 202-446-6724 (cell) or

Watch our AEG Presentation