Academic Enrichment Grants (AEGs)
The Ed Foundation offers teachers an opportunity to enrich their classrooms with Academic Enrichment Grants! AEGs give certificated teachers in Santa Monica’s public schools the chance to introduce innovative programs and classes, initiate new concepts, take students on field trips, and so much more.
There are two different grants for which teachers may apply: Individual Grants and Super Grants.
Grants for the 2024-2025 school year have been awarded.

20AEG-awarded Teachers and Projects 2023-24
AEG awarded to Ruben Marquez for a 3D Printer
- Making use of the 3D printer will allow students to experience abstract concepts in an interactive and hands-on way. Inquisitive students will use strategies that they learn from the 4th-grade math geometry standards to develop shapes and other models.The 3D printer will also be the start of a coding and Makerspace program at Edison.
AEG awarded to Nancy Skorko for a Core Literature Library
- Funds will be used to purchase class sets of high interest fiction and non-fiction books to anchor student discussion on craft, structure and comprehension skills. These books will be shared amongst the 3rd grade classes.
AEG awarded to Sofia Cedillo for More Than Puzzles: Engaging in Logic, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving Activities
- This project focuses on STEM skills as students engage in activities that promote logic, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. This will help students set a strong foundation needed for learning in the science, technology, engineering, and math subjects.
AEG awarded to Laure Calek, Olga Cueva, and Mary Tafi for Making a Difference with Decodables
- Decodable readers will augment our explicit and systematic Science of Reading phonics curriculum, University of Florida Literacy Institute Foundations (UFLI), to engender a love of reading. Students will apply the phonics skills learned from UFLI to these decodable readers which will also build vocabulary and comprehension skills.
AEG awarded to Jorge Cierra for Culinary Arts and Social Studies Integration: Culinary Arts as a PBL Activity
- The incorporation of culinary arts as a project-based learning activity is an excellent way to increase student knowledge and engagement. Culinary arts activities can be used to enhance student content knowledge.This active-learner process can be easily modified to fit various disciplines, grade levels, and student skill levels.
AEG awarded to Eric Moe for Podcasting and Video Production
- The goal is for multiple groups to develop and create their own podcasts, with some of them doing it on a regular basis. There are two end-goals for this year: get some of the student podcasts published to Spotify, and the other is to have multiple groups submit their podcasts to NPR’s student podcast challenge. Podcasts will also be used by teachers as forms of “narratives”.
AEG awarded to Salvador Munoz for Music Coaches
- We are traveling to San Francisco on a performance tour and I would love to hire additional private tutors to help our students during their regular music class. To allow private instruction for students that cannot afford private lessons.
AEG awarded to Rose Moe for Farmer’s Market-Kidpretrenuer
- Students will simulate running a business at a farmers market to learn about profit, income, marketing and trademarks. They will understand the relationship between cost, income, and profit using variables, tables and graphs. This lesson will help students develop algebraic, critical thinking and entrepreneurial skills. The goal of this project is to expose students to two other common patterns of change in related variables-the first a decreasing linear pattern (income) and the second a quadratic pattern (profit) with a nonlinear graph in a real world application.
AEG awarded to Tiffany Estrada for Building Engagement and Equity by Using Technology
- Providing an iPad with programs like Google Translate, My Story, and Memrise will assist the students who are newcomers to the U.S.A. or ELL’s in grades TK-5th grade. To provide these resources, we will fill in the gaps for the students’ second language.
AEG awarded to Madelyn Schwartz for Enlighten Young Minds: Illuminating TK Learning With a Light Table
- Our foremost objective is to foster a learning environment where children are active participants in their educational journey. The light table will serve as an open invitation for children to explore and experiment with colors, light, and materials at their own pace and based on their interests.
AEG awarded to Andrea Shore for Class Textbooks (with BOE approval)
- The objective and goal for this proposal is to make sure our students are critical thinkers, collaborate thoughtfully, and discuss literature (both nonfiction and fiction) in a way that is authentically geared toward their field of study in college and their career
AEG awarded to Andrea Shore for JPL Competition 2024 (Supplies for Projects)
- The JPL Annual Invention Challenge is celebrating its 24th year and this year’s contest is the “Paper into a Basket Contest” where students will be creating a device that can place a sheet of paper into a wastebasket using multiple consecutive activities. The winner is the team whose device gets the sheet of paper completely in the wastebasket and performs the event in the fastest time. For this project, students will be in collaborative groups designing a device to meet this project objective, and compete against other high school students around the world.
AEG awarded to Bailey Field at PBL for Multiple Lens of American History
- Students will learn the danger of a single story of US History. They will engage in historical research, including interviews as well as incorporate prose, verse and other art forms that reveal history and serve as artifacts that help construct the narrative. Students will publicly raise awareness of other groups’ lens on American History, the groups current issues and celebrate its uniqueness.
AEG awarded to Kyle Koehler for Voices Unveiled: Empowering Student Voices through Digital Storytelling & Audio Galleries
- This grant will provide students with equipment for digital storytelling and creating a school wide audio gallery. 9th and 11th grade Students will take the culminating writing tasks from several units, record themselves reading their work, and post their audio files around the High School Campus using posters containing a QR Code. The entire school population will be able to scan the codes and listen to these stories.
Will Rogers Learning Community
AEG awarded to Katja Alexander & Melissa Trubo for 826 LA Storytelling and Bookmaking Field Trip
- Two 3rd grade classes will visit 826LA and will collaborate with trained volunteers and each other to produce a story with original characters, setting, plot and illustrations. Students will write their own ending to the collaborative story and leave the publishing house with an illustrated and bound copy of their complete story.
AEG awarded to Courtney Hayes for Incorporating IB Learner Profiles with Culturally Relevant Read Aloud Books
- The books are culturally relevant read-aloud books. As an International Baccalaureate school, we are working to find more ways to incorporate the IB Learner Profiles for student learning. The IB Learner Profiles are traits or universal ideals to develop lifelong learners and internationally-minded citizens. We are working to integrate these Learner Profiles into our SEL work to help students better understand the behaviors and ideals we want students to display both inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, our work with Learner Profiles also supports the D.E.I. work by cultivating a sense of belonging for our school community.