
Parent Resources

FAQs about the Ed Foundation

Have questions about the Ed Foundation? Please check out our frequently asked questions for more information or see our list of programs by school to learn about what the Ed Foundation funds are your child’s school.

Two girls work on art projects while sitting at a table

The Top 100 Answers to Your College Admissions Questions

Danny Ruderman, a leading authority on successfully guiding students through successful applications to college for over 14 years, worked with the Ed Foundation and SMMUSD to make this free guide available to parent in our district.

The Top 100 Answers to Your College Admissions Questions book is designed to answer many basic questions that 8th-11th-grade parents ask, and provide useful additional resources. It should be used as an added-value resource to help the efforts of students and their families to find, apply to, and pay for college. The Book will complement and expand the valuable information received from high school counselors and other resources at school.

Danny has gathered the most commonly asked parent and student questions and written fun, easy-to-read answers in his latest book. Here are just a few of the questions you’ll find answers to inside:

  • How can students get and stay organized?
  • When is the best time to take the SAT/ACT/SAT Subject Tests?
  • How do students learn about different colleges?
  • What is the most important factor considered by admissions officers?
  • How important is community service?
  • How do students come up with ideas for their essays?

Click here to access a pdf of this free resource.